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Terms & Conditions

SimplicitE Tax Loans guarantees that it will provide its clients with the best possible deal in the marketplace for Texas tax loans. If it is determined that a licensed competitor can provide better deal terms than SimplicitE, we will either change our offer terms to beat the competitor’s deal or we will offer to pay the first month of interest on the competitor’s deal.

General Requirements:

A competitor’s deal offer will only be considered valid for comparison under the Best Deal Guarantee if it meets the following conditions:

  1. The offer must be in writing
  2. The offer must be an executable commitment with no contingencies
  3. The offer must include the contact information for the licensed individual or company making the offer
  4. The offered deal must be superior to that offered by SimplicitE on at least one or more terms, and all other terms must be at least equal to those offered by SimplicitE. Terms include but are not limited to:
    1. Rate
    2. Closing Fee Amount
    3. Loan Amortization Term
    4. Maturity Length
    5. Payment Deferral Terms
    6. Default and Late Payment Terms
    7. Monthly Payment Amount

If any of the terms differ from those presented by SimplicitE, it is entirely within the discretion of SimplicitE to determine whether the deal will qualify for the Best Deal Guarantee.

Best Deal Guarantee Options:

In the event that it is determined that a valid competing deal has been presented, the SimplicitE Best Deal Guarantee will require SimplicitE to provide the proposed borrower with one of the following (at the discretion of SimplicitE):

  1. SimplicitE will provide the proposed borrower with a deal offer that is superior to the competitor’s deal or
  2. SimplicitE will make the first month’s interest payment on the competitor’s deal up to a maximum limit of $200).

In the event that SimplicitE provides the proposed borrower with a new deal offer, it is entirely in SimplicitE’s discretion to determine what constitutes a superior offer.

In the event that SimplicitE declines to provide a proposed borrower with a new deal offer and the proposed borrower becomes eligible to receive compensation for the first month’s interest payment on a competitor’s deal, actual payment will be subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. SimplicitE will compensate the borrower for the amount of interest only (not including any principal, fees or other costs), up to a maximum limit of $200. The calculation of the interest payment will be based on the first calendar month of accrued interest after the closing date, regardless of whether that interest payment is due and payable or deferred to a later date.
  2. The proposed borrower must close on the competitor’s deal within 30 days from the time that SimplicitE notifies the proposed borrower that it intends not to make a new offer and instead will offer the Best Deal Guarantee compensation.
  3. The proposed borrower must provide proof of closing to SimplicitE, along with all loan documentation for the competitor’s deal.
  4. A statement showing the first month of interest calculation must be provided to SimplicitE.
  5. SimplicitE will make the payment directly to the competitor on account of the proposed borrower at the soonest time that a periodic payment is due and payable. The proposed borrower will be responsible for paying the difference between any amount paid by SimplicitE and the actual payment amount that is due.