Call or Text Us: (210) 939-2002

The SimplicitE Guarantee

Close today with confidence that you’ve already secured the best deal possible.

In order to receive a formal quote, please provide us with your property address or CAD reference number.

The SimplicitE Guarantee

Not only do we make the process for obtaining a tax loan as quick and painless as possible, we also guarantee that we have some of the most attractive rates around. If we can’t beat a competitor’s offer, we’ll pay YOU!

Better Deal or We’ll Make Your First Payment

If a competitor makes an offer with a lower rate and better terms than us, we’ll guarantee that we’ll change our offer to beat it. If we can’t, we’ll make your first month’s payment up to $200.

Sign with Confidence

We’ll even extend our guarantee for 30 days past the closing of your loan, so you can go ahead and close with confidence.